1. PopGenHelpR::Fst_dat
    A genetic differentiation matrix and locality information for each population. This data was generated by subsetting data of Farleigh et al., 2021.
  2. PopGenHelpR::Het_dat
    A data frame of hypothetical heterozygosity data produced by Heterozygosity.
  3. PopGenHelpR::HornedLizard_Pop
    A population assignment data frame to be used in 'Heterozygosity' and 'Differentiation'.
  4. PopGenHelpR::HornedLizard_VCF
    A vcfR object to be used in 'Heterozygosity' and 'Differentiation'.
  5. PopGenHelpR::Q_dat
    A list representing a q-matrix and the locality information associated with the qmatrix